Hi the list,

I'm trying to use the Maven Javadoc Plugin to generate a documentation
using a custom Java doclet. A trouble persists. My pom uses an
<additionalparam> section to
configure the doclet as below :

    -index "${basedir}/src/site/docbook/reference/index.xml"

When running on Windows, the basedir variable contains backslashes which
are not escaped (for example c:\documents and
setting\user\workspace\MyProject). In this case, the property retrieved by
the doclet is c:documents and settinguserworkspaceMyProject.

I've attempted to escape manually the path, as shown below.

    -index 'c:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\workspace\\MyProject\\...'

It works well. I guess the right way should be to escape the basedir
variable. Is it a
way to do that ?

Best wishes,


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