This seems like a common/obvious request but a bit of googling didn't turn it up. At my work we're using the Dependency Convergence report to detect dependency conflicts. We'd like to fail the build if we don't have 100% dependency convergence on that report.

I had hoped that I'd be able to do this using maven-dependency-plugin, but it's not obvious how to get it to do that. The "analyze-dep-mgt" is sort-of what I want, but not exactly, since I'm concerned about sibling conflicts as well as conflicts with the root POM's dependencyManagement section.

(And anyway, I seem to be having problems with analyze-dep-mgt; when ignoreDirect is enabled it complains about dependency problems that I don't see in the Dependency Convergence report, and that don't show up with dependency:tree -Dverbose.)

The Dependency Convergence report doesn't use maven-dependency-plugin, does it? How does it work? Can I make my build fail when that report says < 100%?


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