Declaring this inside a "war" artifact, execution phase "deploy", works
fine. Using a "pom" artifact however, it seems to run "exec:exec" not
along with deploying the "pom" (i.e. after rebuilding all) but in the
"deploy" phase for each module (at least that's what the error messages
make me believe). Am I right on that? If so, how to achieve the effect
I would like to have, using such a configuration?

This sounds like you're declaring the exec plugin in some kind of parent pom which inherits that plugin invocation to all child modules then.

I'm quite sure that this is not what you want. If you want to perform some task at the end of the build, add a module (which can have a POM of packaging pom as well) and do the necessary steps there. Declare the proper dependencies to make sure it really runs as last build step.


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