On 22-Jun-08, at 5:50 PM, Eric Rose wrote:

On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 06:02:48 am Jason van Zyl wrote:
Use the maven-dependency-plugin, it can retrieve artifacts and place
them so that you can subsequently process them. I suggest staying away
from the artifact resolver directly.

Why is that?

Because from lots of experience I know you probably don't need it. Make your life simple, the dependency plugin is quite powerful. If you determine you want to use it directly the dependency plugin is a great example of how to use the APIs.

Surely the dependency plugin can't be appropriate for every case
of artifact resolution. If the artifact resolver API isn't usable as- is, or is not documented fully I would expect that to be a problem to be addressed.

It has been in trunk, but that's not what's used on the 2.0.x line which is probably what you're using.

To expand on my problem, I am trying to write a wrapper around IzPack so that installers can be created with custom panels. A project calling my plugin
would have configuration something like:


If there's a way I can call the dependency plugin programatically from my
plugin, to pass along the parsed artifact information from the calling
project, I'd like to know. So far I have not found anything, hence my
decision to follow the documentation path that seemed to exist for calling
the resolver directly.

That's your solution. But your problem is putting some artifacts somewhere to be packaged up with an installer. If your requirement is to have all that code controlled from your plugin then use the resolver, but you can certainly solve your problem without it. The dependency plugin code would be a good place to start.

In fact, there appears no information I could find on how, if it is at all possible, to embed plugins within plugins, in such a manner. Should the
general principle be something like?

Plugins depending on plugins is not a good thing. We learned the hard way with Maven 1.x where this was possible.

        FooPlugin foo = new FooPlugin();

where setBarX() methods mirror the plugin parameters?

By the way, there appears to be scant information on what components can be used and how to use them property. Is there a definitive set of documentation
that I should be looking at? If I'm casting nasturtiums unjustly, I
apologise, but maven appears great from a user's perspective and very hard to pull apart from a programmer's perspective, and that's mainly a documentation
issue, IMO.


On 20-Jun-08, at 7:59 PM, ericr wrote:

I'm trying to develop a plugin in which I want to resolve an
artifact so
that I can copy it somewhere special before using it. Not knowing
how (or if
it's even possible) to embed the dependency plugin's resolution
functionality, I decided to take what seemed like a simpler approach
perform the basic resolution myself, as according to

Unfortunately I get the following NPE:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
.izpack.maven.plugins.IzPackMojo.copyCustomPanels(IzPackMojo.java: 174)

The code snippet that I wrote is as follows:
 /** @component */
 private org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory

 /** @component */
 private org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver

someMethod() {
       Artifact panelArtifact =
artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier(groupId, artifactId,
"jar", "");
          resolver.resolve(panelArtifact, remoteRepositories,

Do I need to create a variable in my plugin  to store a component
similar to
the the ArtifactFactory and ArtifactResolver mentioned in the
cookbook? Is
there a better set of documentation that explains how to accomplish


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Jason van Zyl
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Jason van Zyl
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