On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Vincent Thévenin
> Hello,
> I'm using Maven 2.0.9. I have a project with the following layout:
> project
> |-- pom.xml (packaging = pom)
> |-- ejb_subproject
> |   |-- pom.xml (packaging = ejb)
> |   `-- . . .
> `-- ear_subproject
>   |-- pom.xml (packaging = ear)
>   `-- . . .
> The two subprojects are declared as modules of the top pom.xml. Invoking
> Maven on the top pom.xml first launches a build on the ejb_project (which
> creates two artifacts, a Jar and an EJB client Jar), then on the ear_project
> (which creates an Ear using the Jar of the ejb_project).
> My issue is that installing the artifacts into the repository by invoking
> 'mvn install' on the top pom.xml creates three entries in the repository,
> one for the ejb_subproject, one for the ear_subproject and finally one for
> the top pom.xml, the latter being actually empty.
> Is it possible to inform Maven that the pom.xml of type 'pom' should not be
> installed into the repository, but just exists to make an entry point for
> the build of the two other projects?

and why is installing the parent POM a problem ? This POM is a
dependency of the sub modules. They reference it as their parent.
Maven has no knowledge of you using an empty parent. You could have
e.f. defined elements in the dependencyManagement or pluginManagement
sections. You need that POM in your local repository.


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