No answers so far... Should I rather direct this to the developer list?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: De Smet Ringo  
> Sent: vrijdag 20 juni 2008 15:14
> To:
> Subject: Passing compile dependencies to Ant-based mojo?
> Hello,
> I am busy converting our complete build process from Maven 1 
> to Maven 2.
> One of my tasks is to migrate our custom Maven 1 build plugin 
> to the Maven 2 format. In this latter plugin, I wrote an 
> Ant-based mojo that invokes the Weblogic WLI wlwbuild task. 
> However, I failed to correctly configure the classpath to 
> this task up to now. Here are the contents of the 
> Ant file:
> <project>
>       <target name="wliBuild">
>               <echo>Hello, wli</echo>
>               <path id="server.class.path">
>                       <pathelement
> path="${weblogicHome}/workshop/wlw-ide.jar" />
>                       <fileset dir="${weblogicHome}/workshop/lib">
>                               <include name="**/*.jar" />
>                       </fileset>
>                       <fileset dir="${weblogicHome}/server/lib">
>                               <include name="**/*.jar" />
>                       </fileset>
>               </path>
>               <taskdef name="wlwBuild"
> classname="workshop.core.WlwBuildTask">
>                       <classpath>
>                               <pathelement
> path="${weblogicHome}/workshop/wlw-ide.jar" />
>                       </classpath>
>               </taskdef>
>               <wlwBuild work="${workFile}"
> serverclasspath="${weblogicHome}/server/lib/wli.jar;${weblogic
> Home}/serv
> er/lib/xbean.jar;${weblogicHome}/server/lib/weblogic.jar;"
> maxmemory="512m" logDir="${targetDirectory}">
>                       <classpath>
>                               <!--  project dependencies here, how?
> -->
>                       </classpath>
>                       <build outputdir="${targetDirectory}"
> outputfilename="${targetEarName}" noear="${noEar}" />
>                       <sysproperty key="workshop.home"
> value="${weblogicHome}/workshop">
>                       </sysproperty>
>               </wlwBuild>
>       </target>
> </project>
> While the mojo is defined in the maven2.plugin project, in 
> the our custom build plugin, I want to pass the classpath to 
> the dependencies of the project in which this mojo is 
> invoked. E.g. if I invoke this mojo in project 
> srv.service.common, then I want the compile-time dependencies 
> of srv.service.common being passed as the classpath setting 
> of the wlwBuild Ant task. What do I have to write in place of 
> the XML comment above?
> Let me clarify that I have been searching the user and 
> developer for a number of hours, read through a lot of posts, 
> but still couldn't get it to work! 
> Ringo De Smet

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