
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Närling
> Sent: woensdag 25 juni 2008 10:53
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: Re: Please help with assembly plugin dependency problems! :-(
> Update to this one, this seems to happen if I execute the 
> build from within the M2 plugin in eclipse only.
> If I run it on the command line it works fine!?!
> Anyone know why the plugin makes this behave differently?
> On the command line it also tries to download the failing POM 
> and fails too, but it seems to ignore it then!
> (but not from within Eclipse)

I also encountered problems once where a build using the m2eclipse plugin 
failed, while it worked on the command line. What I did was to disable the 
Maven Embedder in m2eclipse and select a normal Maven2 installation to use. 
Check the Eclipse Preferences (Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations).


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