I'm trying to figure this out, but I must be missing something. I created the profiles test and production in the POMs for swear, swear-core, and fish-tissue. I set up the modules how I want them in swear-core and fish-tissue. I set activeByDefault to true for the test profile in the POMs for swear-core and fish-tissue, and to true for the production profile and false for the test profile in the swear POM. This does not give the desired result since the sub-module POMs override the parent's settings for activeByDefault. I have also tried to set properties in the parent POM and have the sub-modules activate the correct profile using that property, but this never seems to work, ie, the property does not activate the profile in the child POM.

What am I missing?

Chris Lieb

Kalle Korhonen wrote:
You are right that profiles are only additive. I'd configure a profile named
"development" or something like that, activate it by default, include and
create the test ears in it, then configure another profile named "release",
"versioned" or "distro" that doesn't specify the test ears but includes the
final one. You need to have the profile configurations in several poms with
matching profile names. More about activebydefault profile at


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Chris Lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hope y'all don't mind if I give this a bump.

Chris Lieb wrote:

I have a multi-module web project with the following structure:

swear (pom)
|- fish-tissue (pom)
|  |- ft-webapp (war)
|  |- ft-ear (ear)
|- swear-core (pom)
|  |- sc-model (jar)
|  |- sc-webapp (war)
|  |- sc-ear (ear)
|- swear-ear (ear)

sc-ear is an EAR for testing just the swear-core module and ft-ear is an
EAR for testing the fish-tissue module. swear-ear is the EAR that will house
the final deployment unit for the entire application.

Currently, both the swear-core and fish-tissue modules have a pom.xml that
builds all sub-projects, including the test EARs, along with a
pom-no-ear.xml that builds all sub-projects except for the EAR, and is used
when constructing the final swear-ear deployment unit.  I achieve this by
placing the following modules section into the POM for swear:

This does not seem right to me since the pom.xml and the pom-no-ear.xml
are otherwise identical, with the exception of the one module (the EAR
module) that is conditionally included.  This would mean that, depending on
when you pulled a POM artifact from the repository, you would get different

I think that this could be remedied by using activation elements to
control the included modules, but activation only seems to be additive, not
subtractive.  This is an issue since, by default, we want the testing EARs
to be generated, with the no-EAR mode to be only used for generating a final
deployment unit.

Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Chris Lieb

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