Hi to all,

I need to filter the web.xml in some webapp :

I tried with :



                <!-- Safety -->
                <mkdir dir="${project.build.directory}" />

                  <format property="last.updated" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd
hh:mm:ss" />
${java.vendor} ${java.runtime.version}${line.separator}</echo>





I found the right stuff in the target/filter.properties :

build.time=2008-07-02 11:23:43
os.infos=Windows XP 5.1
java.infos=JDK Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.5.0_15-b04

My web.xml is :

        <!-- last modification date of the current file -->

                <param-value>built by ${user.infos} on ${os.infos} with

After mvn package ${build.time}, ${user.infos}, ${os.infos} and
${java.infos} and not filtered.

${project.version} and ${project.parent.name}
v${project.parent.version} are filtered.

What could be wrong ?


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