Are you sure that file exists in the jar? I've had zero problems
constructing executable jars with Maven.

Unzip the jar and check things out. Adjust the manifest file and
rezip, then test again, until you get it working. Then you know what
you need to adjust in Maven.


On 7/2/08, David Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Maven dev, gurus and users. I have a curious situation where I want to 
> make my Swing App into an executable jar. I went to the Maven guides site: 
> and I used the build 
> snippet displayed below. I inserted the snippet and edited the MANIFEST.MF as 
> displayed below. Lo-and-behold: it returns the usual (follows) 
> NoClassDefFoundError when I try to exectue. I have successfully hand built 
> executable jars in the past but I would like to have Maven doing this job. 
> The particulars follow. TIA and please advise, David.
> OS: Ubuntu 2.6.24-17-generic GNU/LINUX
> Arch: i686 SMP
> Error condition:
> java -jar XSFileUploadApp-1.0.jar
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:  
> com/fds/ar/apps/util/fileupload/XSFileUploadApp
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:  
> Manifest-Version: 1.0
> Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
> Created-By: Apache Maven
> Built-By: dwbrown
> Package:
> Build-Jdk:  1.6.0-b09
> Extension-Name: XSFileUploadApp
> Specification-Vendor: FA
> Implementation-Vendor: FA
> Implementation-Title: XSFileUploadApp
> Implementation-Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
> Main-Class:
> mode: development
> url:
> Yet some, not wise, go to the other side of the globe, to barbarous and 
> unhealthy regions, and devote ten or twenty years, in that they may 
> live,-that is, keep comfortably warm,- and die in New England at last.
> Henry David Thoreau - Walden - 1845
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