On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:47 AM, Kristian Rink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Asides from declaring
> dependencies which effectively state what is needed, is there a way to
> also declare "global exclusions" to, regardless of artifacts included,
> state what artifacts _not at all_ to include?

I believe you'll still have to do the excludes, but the Enforcer
plugin can help you make sure things don't creep in:

If you have your own internal managed repository (and you restrict
access to central and other public repos) then you do have the option
of fixing the metadata.  This isn't something I do very often, but if
you're going to have miles of xml for excludes vs. editing some poms
in your internal repo, it might be something to consider.  Make sure
to keep track of what you've changed.


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