I can reproduce this using the quickstart archetype :
just change the assertion (assertTrue( false ) to make UT fail)
And execute:

$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_18/
$ mvn package -DforkMode=always

Surefire show that UT fails, but it continue with the build.


Benoit Decherf wrote:
We don't have any System.exit() in the code. And as I told you, this bug only appear with forkMode=always and jdk1.4.


Stefan Seidel wrote:
I have sometimes experienced this when a test did System.exit(), thus shutting down the Surefire JVM.


Benoit Decherf wrote:

When I execute mvn deploy (from continuum), The surefire reports show that there are errors, but the execution doesn't fail :
In the output I have:

Results :

Failed tests:
Tests in error:

Tests run: 212, Failures: 24, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0

[INFO] [jar:jar]

That's strange. It show that some tests fails, but it doesn't show which tests fails and it doesn't fails the execution.

The exact command is :
mvn clean deploy -e --batch-mode

The configuration to reproduce it is forkMode=always and jdk1.4.
If I use jdk1.6, it works and if I use forkMode=once it also works. (but the list of failed tests is still missing).

Can I open a bug in this ?


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