
I am new to Maven, and I am a bit confuse about the porpuse of directory
src/main/config porpuse

I have been looking for information about it but it does not seems to be

I initially thought that in directory src/main/resources I could put any
static resource used by the jar file and in src/main/config I could put
any configuration file that needs to be customised before the jar file
is used. For example in the config file I would add the
hibernate.cfg.xml file, since the DB connection information needs to be
modify by the person who will use the jar file. 

placing hibernage.cfg.xml in the resources files is not good, since this
file will be added to the jar file, so the person who will use the jar
file will have to extract it to be able to modify its properties. So
initially I thought that src/main/config  was for this porpuse, but all
files that I put in congif directory are ignored.

Can any body clarify the usage of src/main/config  and what is maven
approach for using configuration files such as hibernate.cfg.xml or
other config files that need to be modified on the live environment?

Thanks in advance. 



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