On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 3:18 AM, Marc Speck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to compile a project that resides in a multi-module project with
> different packaging like jar and war (and different configuration). So I
> created a pom.xml for one packaging and pomswf.xml for the other packaging.
> This is an extract of the parent pom:
>    <packaging>pom</packaging>
>    <modules>
>        <module>Base</module>
>        <module>Base/pomswf.xml</module>
>    </modules>
> It runs fine on my local computer but I wonder whether this is the maven way
> to this kind of configuration.

No.  The maven way is 'one main artifact per module' (or per pom).
The usual advice is to separate the project into multiple modules that
each build one artifact.

However, if the main artifact is a war, there are some features of the
war plugin that will let you build a jar out of what would otherwise
land in WEB-INF/classes.


 The reason I'm asking is that this
> configuration invokes an error when launched by Hudson on a Linux box:
> ...../workspace/base/Base/pomswf.xml/pom.xml is referenced from
> ...../workspace/base/pom.xml but it doesn't exist
> It seems that "/pom.xml" is appended to the path. Maybe, there is better way
> to run a single project into two different packaging?
> Thanks for feedback,
> Marc

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