2008/8/11 rmahnovetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hey all
> The issue I'm having is wondering what the best way to set up our maven
> internal repo. Should we use the repo to hold production builds or developer
> builds or should we have a two repos or ?.

I think it's a good idea to separate them. I generally keep the
snapshots separate from the final releases as well, and present them
through a single front-end instead.

> Atm we use the repo to store production build artifacts. But this is not the
> best solution for the developers as the production build does not work on
> the developers boxes. This may be because the prod build is built for oc4j
> were the developer use tomcat or jetty. The difference between the builds
> maybe be configuration an/or  jars dependencies. So the developer will then
> need to download the source and compile, hence being time consuming.

If the builds are different for each group, it's a good idea to append
a classifier to the non-production builds so that there's no confusion
about which is being used.

> Does anyone else have the same issues, if so how the you deal with it?

One thing I try to recommend is minimising the amount of differences
between artifacts targetting different environments - wherever
possible if you can use the same artifact in each by making sure
configuration is not baked in it will be easier to maintain. There was
some discussion on this list recently about those principles.


Brett Porter
Blog: http://blogs.exist.com/bporter/

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