2008/9/6 jwcarman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Brett,
> I apologize, but I don't understand what you mean.  When do I do the
> filtering?  Do I need to put the pom.xml file somewhere else in my project
> structure?  Do I just turn on filtering for the place where my pom.xml lies
> now?

Yes, this is on the right track.

Basically, building an archetype is a normal JAR with resources in a certain
location, so if you add more resources with filtering on, they will also be


Then in src/main/filtered-resources/archetype-resources/pom.xml:


Hopefully that works out for you.

One trick to watch out for here is that some of the archetype substitutes
might also look like expressions and get filtered. There seem to be problems
with escaping to prevent that happening.


Brett Porter
Blog: http://blogs.exist.com/bporter/

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