On Friday 12 September 2008 Stephen Connolly wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:46 AM, Martin Höller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 12 September 2008 Stephen Connolly wrote:
> > > I know that plans for Maven 2.2 or 3.0 or some such is/was to
> > > deprecate the declaration of repositories within the pom because of
> > > this very problem.
> > >
> > > Of course banning repository declarations within poms is a swings and
> > > roundabouts solution:
> > > + fix this type of problem
> > > - cause problems if you need something that you cannot get pushed
> > > into repo1
> >
> > Well, one could always declare additional repos in settings.xml. I'd
> > say this is a far better place than pom.xml.
> >
> > Thank's Stephen for clarifying this.
> >
> > - martin
> Yeah but the problem with having to declare the additional repos in your
> settings.xml is now the project builds for me but not for you (until you
> get my settings.xml)

That's true, but usually building some project imlies reading the 
installation instruction anyway... at least in theory ;)

On the other hand reproducablity is an important requirement. Relying on a 
repository which some dependency introduced doesn't really increase 

> And additionally, each repository that you add slows down the build as
> Maven has to check _all_ repositories that it knows about for the
> artifacts... and then if one of those is feeling slow your (normally
> fast) build becomes increasingly slow.

At least for companies working seriously on software projects having an 
internal remote repository is a must, which reduces this problem. OTOH, for 
OSS developers working on multiple OSS projects, this might be a bigger 

- martin

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