It is this goal in the dependency plugin, but in general when working with multimodule builds, you should just do install. Other plugins can have the same problems.

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On Sep 12, 2008, at 10:10 PM, "Build Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

well, the whole point is that... If module A's jar is a dependency thats
needed for compilation of Module B.
I don't need to use the install goal. Module B finds the Module A jar
when building from the parent.

How ever. If I further want to do something with Module A's jar in
Module B. Like extract it using dependency unpack.
I can't, unless I 1st run install goal from Module A. But this means the release plugin won't properly work from the parent pom unless I release
Module A and B individually.

Here's what my project looks like:
-parent pom
  | - Module A (produces Jar)
  | - Module B (includes jar)

I'm wondering if this is just a limitation of the dependency plugin.. :-/

I've been struggling with this for quite some time.
Thought? thanks!


Dan Tran wrote:
> did you use install goal ?
> -D
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Build Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Can some one please shine some light on the following scenario..
>> I have parent pom and 2 modules.
>> Module A produces a jar file
>> Module B has Module A's jar as dependency, but it uses the dependency plugin
>> to unpack it.
>> If I run mvn package from the parent. Module B's dependency plugin is always >> trying to take the jar from the repository, not from Module A's target
>> So my build fails with [INFO] Unable to find artifact.
>> I always have to run mvn install on Module A before using Module B. Quite
>> tedious..
>> And I do have the jar listed in Module B as a dependency and then again in
>> he plugin like so:
>> <dependency>
>>  <groupId></groupId>
>>  <artifactId>myjar</artifactId>
>>  <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>  <type>jar</type>
>>  <scope>compile</scope>
>> </dependency>
>> <plugin>
>>  <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>  <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>>  <version>2.0</version>
>>  <executions>
>>      <execution>
>>          <id>getjar</id>
>>          <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>>          <goals>
>>              <goal>unpack</goal>
>>          </goals>
>>          <configuration>
>>              <artifactItems>
>>                  <artifactItem>
>>                          <groupId></groupId>
>>                          <artifactId>myjar</artifactId>
>>                          <type>jar</type>
>>                      <overWrite>true</overWrite>
>>                      <outputDirectory>
>>                          target/tmp
>>                      </outputDirectory>
>>                  </artifactItem>
>>              </artifactItems>
>>              <overWriteReleases>true</overWriteReleases>
>>              <overWriteSnapshots>true</overWriteSnapshots>
>>          </configuration>
>>      </execution>
>>  </executions>
>> </plugin>
>> Any thoughts?
>> Thanks!
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