I'm using the spring PetClinic as an example application to follow. I
have things building and working in maven2, but I'm having an issue
with the junit tests.

I'd like to be able to share one of my application-context.xml files
that is in my src/main/resources directory without having to keep it
in two places.

The application example I'm using for testing needs to call
AbstractJpaTests which requires one to override the getConfigPaths.
The problem is how do I get a handle outside of the test-classes in
which the tests are being run?

//the files below exist in my tests-classes directory, but I'd also
like to use the one in my standard classes directory as well.
// the / slash only seems to bring me to the base of my test-classes directory
        protected String[] getConfigPaths() {
                return new String[] {

I've even tried adding an extra entry in my pom.xml for to use the
main resources as well but it didn't seem to help:


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