Hello List,

I am putting together a multi-module project that I would like, at the end,
to bundle up two or three of the sub-modules into a .tar.gz with
accompanying documentation (app consists of multiple components that are
deployed separately).

I had started out with the idea of include a "meta-module" that would
execute last. This module would contain the documentation as well as the
maven-assembly plugin configuration to combine everything into the final

However, upon review of the maven-assembly plugin's descriptor doc I noticed
that it has built-in support for packaging sub-modules through the
<moduleSets> element.

I liked this idea better because it makes sense that the parent project
wraps up the child projects. It also means one fewer POM to keep around and

Unfortunately it does not seem as though there is a way to attach this
assembly plugin to the root-pom project's lifecycle in such a way that it
will be run after all the child modules have been produced. So I am stuck
having to run this as a separate goal on the command-line. That's not a
terrible issue, but it just feels unclean.

I've done some searching and haven't found a way to do this. Have I missed
something? If not, does this make sense as something I should submit as a
feature request?

My thinking is that there should be some additional phases for multi-module
projects. For example: pre-modules and post-modules. Basically these would
be executed before/after all the submodules are addressed.

Thanks for your feedback.

Sam Wilson

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