We could start publishing a feed, but depending on the IP of the machine is probably not the best idea. Given that we've installed a load balancer the IP you get is going to be a whatever you get.

On 29-Sep-08, at 6:59 PM, Ed Hillmann wrote:

2008/9/30 Dan Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
repo1.maven.org has a new IP Address, so if you hardcoded
repo1.maven.org in your /etc/hosts you will have this problem.  Sorry
if this s a repeat.


We're having this exact same problem.  Our Nexus repository suddenly
over the weekend couldn't access repo1.  The machine on which the
Nexus repository runs has limited access to the internet, based on IP
address.  So, if repo1's address has changed, this will be the cause.

Thanks for the info!  It wasn't a repeat for me, as I must have missed
the first time.  Given that we're pretty much dependant on that IP
address not changing, I wish there was a better notification system
for changes to central.  It's just buggered up all of our builds for
the last 1 1/2 days.


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Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven
jason at sonatype dot com

the course of true love never did run smooth ...

 -- Shakespeare

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