
You can use a repository manager to do that e.g. Nexus: http://nexus.sonatype.org/ or http://archiva.apache.org/.
We use Nexus so I can only talk about Nexus here.

Configure repository groups there and all your repository references (e.g. in the parent poms) should point to the Nexus.


rohan chauhan wrote:
Hi all,

I want to create a maven repository in our organization. Which can work in 
following manner.

All developers first check from our organization repository first. If file is there then they download it to their location.So no need to go on Maven public repository. But if in case file is not available in our organization repository then it is downloaded form Maven public repository and stored in organization's repository. And that file is then transfer to appropriate needed user. So that nest time when any of the developer needs that file it will available.

I want above facility.

Can u give me information about how to create this kind of repository.
1)    Which tool needed to develop this repository.
2)    What change needed in Maven to configure this development environment.
3)    How to configure that tool for Maven

Thank you all

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