Try ${settings.localRepository} instead.

- Brett

On 16/10/2008, at 5:57 PM, Miroslav Nachev wrote:


I am trying to get the local repository directory with "localRepository" parameter but the result is not the expected:
  [local] -> file://C:\Documents and Settings\miroslav\.m2\repository
The problem is that before the directory there is a prefix "[local] - > file://" which is the problem.
Any ideas and help? Thank you in advance.

I need of the local repository directory because I would like to start one ant script where I am using "<if>" condition and for that condition I need of third party library "ant-contrib" which I must declare in <taskdef> tag. To do that in "maven-antrun-plugin" I am using dependencies like that:
This guarantee that the library will be in the local repository. Then I have to use the local repository and taskdef to put on the class path this library to be able to use <if> condition.

Is there another way for that? Can I replace "if" condition with something else?


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Brett Porter

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