For one of our framework , I need to create a specific archetype so that it
will simplify  the creation processes  of new project , I try to follow
procedure describe in [1] with the  a sample archetype project .  It worked
fine and installed new archetype in to my local M2 repo also . but when I
try to use that archetype it gave some errors .

[1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-creating-archetypes.html

I try for this

mvn archetype:create     -DarchetypeGroupId=my

then got following error .

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
GroupId: my
ArtifactId: quickstart
Version: 1.0.0
Reason: Unable to locate resource in repository

It seems new archetype is not installed properly , so I installed it several
times with the command provided with error message (   mvn
install:install-file  ............) and I notice  new archetype available on
my local repo with correct folder format too.

Do I have  upload  new archetype in to any remote M2 repo in order to  use
it ....?   we don't have any internal remote M2 repo , so is there any way
to solve this only using my local repo ?

Any suggestions?

Thanks ,

Sagara Gunathunga

Blog - ssagara.blogspot.com
Web - http://sagaras.awardspace.com/

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