Hi all,

  I am using the buildnumber-maven-plugin (version 1.0-beta-1) to get a 
revision number from my SVN repository
and use it for my jar's finalName.  This buildnumber plugin stores the
revision number in the project properties.  This plugin works well with
the maven-jar-plugin, but not with the maven-assembly-plugin.  When the
jar:jar goal is called, I can get the property ${buildNumber} (project
property used to save the SVN revision), but when assembly:assembly is
executed, I get 'null'.  I have tried to debug the code and noticed
that the LifecycleExecutor is cloning my MavenProject and storing the
SVN revision inside a property of that cloned project.  Then that
cloned project is set as the executionProject of my original project. 
When assembly is called, my buildNumber property is not available since
it is only stored inside the executionProject.

Question #1: Why can maven-jar-plugin see buildNumber and not 
#2: What is the cause of my problem?  Should the
buildnumber-maven-plugin store the property elsewhere, or use a
different configuration....  or is the assembly plugin (or maybe
maven-core?) not checking the executionProject when it should be?

I am not sure who holds the responsability, so feel free to educate me! 

Thanks a lot,

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