1)  I have a project structure with a parent pom and several modules
beneath it. When I run mvn site from the root (the parent pom dir) it
generates the site index.html file but if I try to click on any of the
module links the URLs are wrong. They try to go to
/path/project/target/site/module/index.html when it needs to go to
/path/project/module/target/site/index.html  What's the best way to
fix this?

2) I can't seem to get the surefire-plugin report link to show up in
any of the main site menus. For example in my ejb-jar module pom.xml I

When site runs the surefire-reports.html file is created, but it's not
listed as a link in the index.html file, as shown in the diagram in
the docs: 
Is there something I need to do to get it show up as a link as shown
in the image?



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