On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:53 AM, sean.chen(陈思淼) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I hope some one can give me some options, if the Maven dont support this
> issues, just tell me, That dont works.
> Thanks for help.

It's better to start a separate thread for each question, with a
descriptive subject line.

> 1 Can maven import some properties files outside the project?
> Maven can define some resource properties in the head section using the
> properties Tag just like this:
> I have define the configs in a my.properties file, how can I import this
> config file and use it in the build process?

Depending on how you want to use it, resource filtering might help.

> 2 How to copy the resource files into my packaged folder in the build time?

Usually the resources plugin does this for you... anything in
src/main/resources gets copied and packaged in the artifact.

> I define my own pakcaging type just like ear but have some customer file
> type process.
> but sometimes, the project have some resources outside the project.

The convention is to share things through the repository.  If they are
*outside* the project, then consider packaging them up into a jar or
zip, and using the dependency plugin to retrieve them from the
repository and place them where you need them.


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