This looks like a problem with the m2eclipse plugin I am using. Doing
the build from the command line downloads only from my central repo.

Todd Thiessen

> _____________________________________________ 
> From:         Thiessen, Todd (BVW:9T16)  
> Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:27 PM
> To:   ''
> Subject:      Using an internal central repository without changing
> settings.xml
> I have been looking into this for a couple of days and can't find the
> answer. I suspect it isn't possible but I think it will be best to ask
> those who can tell me definitively.
> I want to be able to define a project which only has access to an
> internally defined repository. Note I said project not user.  Using
> the settings.xml to define my interal repository as the mirror to
> external ones I don't think is the right thing to do.  Doing this
> makes the project unportable since all developers on the project would
> have to share the same settings.xml file.  Bad mojo.
> I have tried modifying my POM file such that it overrides the central
> repo... like this:
>   <repositories>
>     <repository>
>       <id>central</id>
>       <url>http://myinteralrepo</url>
>     </repository>
>   </repositories>
>   <pluginRepositories>
>     <pluginRepository>
>       <id>central</id>
>       <url>http://myinteralrepo</url>
>     </pluginRepository>
>   </pluginRepositories>
> However, this does not seem to be sufficient.  Most dependencies are
> coming from my local repo but not all and I can't figure out why some
> are not.  Here is a snippet of maven output.
> url = http://myinteralrepo
> Downloading:
> http://myinteralrepo/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/2
> .2/maven-resources-plugin-2.2.pom
> url =
> Downloading:
> /maven-plugins-1.pom
> 3K downloaded
> url =
> Downloading:
> rent-1.pom
> 6K downloaded
> What is special about the first artifact, maven-resources-pluggin-2.2,
> such that it comes from my internal repo but the others come from
> maven central?
> The only way that I have been completely successful in ensuring that
> all artifacts come from my internal repo is by making the appropriate
> changes to my settings.xml file.  But as I have already mentioned, I
> don't wish to do this.
> Thoughts?
> ---
> Todd Thiessen

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