
I am a bit new at this.

I have importe a maven project into Eclipse through: File>Import>Maven
Then, in order to execute some maven goals, I right-clicked on the
project name in the navigator window, then I clicked on Run As and
executed the install and package goal and they worked successfully.

However, when I try to execute the "Deploy" goal, it gives me an error.

The following mojo encountered an error while executing:
Group-Id: org.apache.maven.plugins
Artifact-Id: maven-deploy-plugin
Version: 2.3
Mojo: deploy
brought in via: packaging: jar

While building project:
Group-Id: it.ericsson.mdp
Artifact-Id: EclipseTestJack
Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
>From file: C:\project\UserDetailsClient\pom.xml
Reason: Error retrieving previous build number for artifact
'it.ericsson.mdp:EclipseTestJack:jar': repository metadata for:
'snapshot it.ericsson.mdp:EclipseTestJack:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be
retrieved from repository: snapshots due to an error: Unsupported
Protocol: 'dav': Cannot find wagon which supports the requested
protocol: dav

I also would like to mention that in the Maven Console, there was a
problem in "red": 13/11/08 2:22:21 EST PM: Unable to update index for
central http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
I figured it might be linked to the problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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