tespackman wrote:
I've run into the same problem, but somehow I managed to figure it out!!

I found that if I simply run an "svn up" right before executing the mvn
release:branch command it works!

Note that there are NO changes downloaded from the scm, but for whatever
reason it worked for me.

This is a known issue with the release plugin and Subversion 1.5.1+. You'll run into the same issue on a release:prepare. The problem has to do with the fact that the release plugin checks into a new branch (or tag) directly from the working copy, rather than committing and copying first. (Reason has to do with making sure nothing committed on the trunk while the preparation goals are running gets into the tag.) This worked fine up through SVN 1.5.0.

Googling on the error message you get (something about "xyz already exists") should get you some additional details. Best known workaround I have for now is to downgrade to SVN 1.5.0; last I heard this is still an issue with maven-release-plugin 2.0-beta-8 and SVN 1.5.4.

- John

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