Thanks Stevo! Forgot to metion that it does work fine in eclipse (I'm using
m2eclipse plugin
but it fails when I compile it from the CLI). I will give the above project
a shot. Thanks again

On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Stevo Slavić <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello Mohan,
> Attached you can find an archive with eclipse maven multi-module project
> created as one you've described, so you can see transitive dependencies are
> working as expected. Your project is obviously somewhat different than what
> you described, and it is having effect on dependencies not being passed on.
> Check dependency scope and read 
> this<>,
> maybe it will help.
> Regards,
> Stevo.
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 12:20 AM, Mohan K R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It appears that I'm missing something critical here, so please help me
>> out.
>> I have a standard
>> multi-module project like this. (I'm using Maven 2.0.9, JDK5).
>>  parent (P) -
>>            |- module A
>>            |- module B
>>            |- module C
>> A,B,C all inherit from the parent P.
>> Now in my parent POM (P): I have a dependencyManagement section in the
>> POM.
>>  <depedencyManagement>
>>    <dependencies>
>>       <dependency>
>>           <groupId>log4j</groupId>
>>           <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
>>           <version>1.2.14</version>
>>       <dependency>
>>       <...  bunch of others ...>
>>    <dependencies>
>>  </dependencyManagement>
>> Now in module A (I have a dependency on log4j), so only thing that I
>> provide
>> is (notice no version):
>>    <dependencies>
>>       <dependency>
>>           <groupId>log4j</groupId>
>>           <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
>>       <dependency>
>>       <...  bunch of others ...>
>>    <dependencies>
>> Now in module B depends on module A so I have this in my dependency:
>>    <dependencies>
>>       <dependency>
>>           <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId>
>>           <artifactId>module_A</artifactId> <!-- NOTICE MODULE A -->
>>           <version>${project.version}</version>
>>       <dependency>
>>       <...  bunch of others ...*but no log4j*>
>>    <dependencies>
>> NOTE: I do use log4j in B, but it got transitively pulled in. So far so
>> good.
>> Now Module C, depends on Module B. So what I have is:
>>    <dependencies>
>>       <dependency>
>>           <groupId>${project.groupId}</groupId>
>>           <artifactId>module_B</artifactId>           <!-- NOTICE MODULE B
>> -->
>>           <version>${project.version}</version>
>>       <dependency>
>>       <...  bunch of others ...>
>>    <dependencies>
>> Now, I do use some log4j calls (LogFactory), but for some reason log4j
>> does
>> not
>> get pulled in transitively??? I have to explicitly give a dependency on
>> log4j *or*
>> module_A to get it to compile??
>> My first that was, all transitive dependencies on module_B should get
>> pulled
>> in which
>> means module_A and in turn its transitive dependency log4j. But nothing of
>> this sort
>> is happening? Any ideas? Is it the dependecyManagement section (which has
>> the version)
>> that is messing me up, since C does inherit from P?
>> Thanks
>> Mohan K
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