"Help them install Maven and then get them to execute a maven build that uses the 
scm plugin to get a tagged version."

This is part of what I was wondering about.  We also store the ultimate 
artifact, the war in this case, in the scm system; cvs for older projects and 
subversion for newer ones.

But this seems like a mismatch; the scm is supposed to be a source control 
management system but we're using it for production control and deployments.

The maven repository seems like a more appropriate place but it seems like its primary 
interface is the maven command.  I haven't tried a repository manager yet to see if it 
might provide a "better" interface.

We used 2 solutions.

1.) Help them install Maven and then get them to execute a maven build that uses the scm plugin to get a tagged version

2.) Build it for them and simply hand them the WAR :)


On Dec 4, 2008 11:53pm, Rusty Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was wondering if and how people are doing war deployments in a setup
where you have a production control group that deploys the war to your qa and production servers (tomcat, for example).

It seems to me that you could have them use maven with the cargo plugin.
But how do they get the pom.xml; check it out of scm and then run maven with it? And do you have a separate project that's just for doing the deployment?


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