
As mvn deploy includes mvn install (see
know more about it). You could just delete your "mvn install" setup.

Fwiw, that's what we run in our Continuous Integration server : "mvn clean


2008/12/23 Subramanian, N.Venkata <nsubraman...@informatica.com>

> Pardon me if this is a basic question.
> We have two build setups
>          0) 'mvn install' - which does the compilation and installs in
> the local repo.
>          1) 'mvn deploy' - If the mvn install is successful, based on
> the 'mvn install' source code 'mvn deploy' will be kicked off
>          While mvn deploy is in progress, mvn install will be kicked
> off to the latest changes. We have this parallel setup to avoid delay.
>          w.r.t source code change 'mvn deploy' is always behind to 'mvn
> install'.
> Question:
>          Is there a possibility that during 'mvn install' - it picks up
> the dependent deployed artifact instead of local repo artifact. (based
> on time   stamp it could be that deployed artifact is having new time
> stamp but w.r.t source code change local repo is latest than deployed
> artifact)
>          If this is possible, how to overcome this problem.
> Regards
> -Venkat

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