2009/1/16 <torsten.reinh...@gi-de.com>

> and then?
> My problem is, that I need to put the ddl scripts into an artifact (*.zip
> or *.jar) just for expand them later on into a delivery structure.
> The delivery structure is generated by a "delivery pom.xml" with all
> dependencies to releases artifacts that will go into the delivery.

Then just add that folder as a resource and they'll get added to the jar...

> the ddl scripts are actually a part of the directory structure of a "jar"
> build module.
> I could now
>        a) put the ddl scripts into the *.jar (where they are not used)
> and extract them later on into the delivery directory structure
>        b) put the ddl scripts into a new *.zip file which will be created
> during the existing *.jar module build (than i have two artifacts within
> one module)
>        c) put the ddl scripts into a new *.zip file which will be created
> during the build of a new *.zip module build.
> or with other words:
> I don´t want the size of my jar files to grow because a lot of DDL scripts
> are packaged into them
> I don`t want to ignore the Maven policy "one artifact within one module"
> So - what´s best practice? How do others package and deliver their DDL
> files?
> thanx, Torsten
> Stephen Connolly <stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com>
> 16.01.2009 15:47
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> Kopie
> Thema
> Re: where to put DDL files in a project structure.
> how about
> src/main/ddl
> ?
> 2009/1/16 <torsten.reinh...@gi-de.com>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I´m thinking about where to put my DDL scripts in our project structure:
> >
> > Actually we have two projects with DDL scripts as part of a multi-module
> > build.
> >
> > project-core
> >        \src\main\java
> >        \conf\ddl
> >
> > project-ext
> >        \src\main\java
> >        \conf\ddl
> >
> > When the multi-module build gets released, only the *.jars (containing
> > *.class files) go to the mavenrepo - the \conf\ddl folders are'nt
> > versioned.
> >
> > When the whole project gets delivered (in a special structure for the
> > customer), we have a separate "delivery build" which references the
> > release of the multi-module build,
> > the releases of some other sub-modules, a documentation folder and so
> on.
> >
> > This "delivery-build" also references relative the \ddl folders of
> > "project-core" and "project-ext":
> >
> > <plugin>
> >        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
> >        <executions>
> >                <execution>
> >                        <id>copy</id>
> >                        <phase>package</phase>
> >                        <configuration>
> >                                <tasks>
> >                                        <copy
> > todir="${delivery_dir}/${productVersion}/Install/DB" flatten="true"
> > failonerror="true">
> >                                                <fileset dir="
> > ../../../system/backend/project-ext/conf/ddl">
> >                                                        <include
> > name="**/*"/>
> >                                                </fileset>
> >                                                <fileset dir="
> > ../../../system/backend/project-core/conf/ddl">
> >                                                        <include
> > name="**/*"/>
> >                                                        <exclude
> > name="**/updatedb*"/>
> >                                                </fileset>
> >                                                <fileset
> > dir="../../../install/additional-db-scripts">
> >                                                        <include
> > name="**/update_db*"/>
> >                                                </fileset>
> >                                        </copy>
> >                                        ....
> >
> > Now, I want to "release" the \conf\ddl folders too, as part of the
> > multi-module build and pack them into "project-core.zip" or
> > "project-ext.zip".
> >
> > ==> Would you suggest to have 2 artifacts within one module (one *.jar
> > artifact containing the source files and one artifact containing the DDL
> > files)
> >        or separte the DDL files into a new sub-module (for example
> > project-core-ddl and project-ext-ddl) ?
> >
> >
> > Thanx for your advice,
> >
> >
> > Torsten
> >
> >
> >

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