I keep getting this error when one of my subprojects builds with Maven 2.1
(the XXX represents a child module of the project):

[INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
[WARNING] The dependency: XXX can't be resolved
ut has been found in the reactor.
This dependency has been excluded from the plugin execution. You should
rerun this mojo after executing mvn i

What I don't understand about this error, it gives this error for modules
that haven't been built yet, but aren't dependencies on the current
project.  Also, it says this for all but the first child project of the
parent module.  The first child module does not depend on any of the
modules, not are they referenced from it.  So if these child projects aren't
referenced and are in the reactor to be built, why is it complaining?  It's
telling me to run mvn install, but that's what I am doing.  I'm not sure
exactly how to resolve this problem since it makes no sense and just came
out of the blue.  The other odd thing is that I'm starting the build from a
parent pom which is the parent of the submodules causing me problems.  If I
built from the parent of the problematic child modules, they seem to build
fine.  If I execute my build from one level higher, then they fail with that
error.  All my other projects that are similarly structured, don't have this
issue.  It's only this one particular parent module and it's children.
Also, I ran the build with the exact same project revision on my developer
machine, same version of maven2 and same jdk, It built successfully.  So I
guess it's only our build server that's hosed.  No clue why, since the same
project builds fine on a different machine and depending on where the build
is started.

Has anyone seen this error crop up with no cause?


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