Thanks, Dominic and Gérald,

> I hesitate to draw comparisons between maven and 
> ExtUtils::MakeMaker.  :-)

I hear even a bed of nails can be comfortable if you get used to it... :)

> As Gérald said, you should keep your source and compiled 
> artifacts separate.  

Oh yes, sounds like a very good idea. No argument from me!

> The maven standard (which seems 
> reasonable to me) is that java source code lives under 
> src/main/java.  Additional non-java files you want to end up 
> in your classpath (i.e. WEB-INF/classes) go into 
> src/main/resources.  When you run "mvn package" everything 
> will get copied into place, then packaged up into 
> target/myproject-0.1.war (or similar).

I can see the sense of that, just that it seems rather distribution-dependant 
to me: I can more productive if I can regularly build a distribution in situ. 

This is why I added Tomcat to the subject line -- surely people aren't copying 
files and directories around to make distributions? 

Perhaps I should be looking at configuring my dev Tomcat to read fromt eh 
Maven-ised project structure? That just seems feel.

I feel I am missing a vital piece of the puzzle, but no-one have spoken to in 
the real world seems to have it -- possibly because they rely on Eclipse and I 
don't, or perhaps because their jobs involve installing distributions of the 
software, whereas mine involves writing the software.... 

> Probably your best bet for now is to check out the online edition of
> Maven: The Definitive Guide.  There's a lot in there, but the 
> first few chapters should get you over the hump fairly quickly.

Thanks, I have been reading that in tandem with posting here. I'm currently 
looking at sourceDirectory....

Thanks again, to both of you.

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