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On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 10:02 AM, SRINIVASA RAO

> Hi All,
> I am new to Maven and have been asked to set up new development environment
> in my office.Till now we are using CVS on one of the remote servers and web
> server(TOMCAT 5.x) running on individual developer machine. we use Eclipse
> 3.3 as Java IDE. All the developers commit their work from their local
> machines to CVS and we create WAR file of the application manually through
> ANT using build.xml file. Our application having following folder structure.
>  myApplication
>  |-- CSS(folder)
>  |-- images
>  |-- java scripts(folder)
>  |-- JSP(folder)
>  |-- WEB_INF(folder)
>  |    |-- classes
>  |    |-- lib
>  |    |-- src
>  |    |  |-- com
>  |    |      |-- companyName
>  |    |          |-- applicationName
>  |    |              |-- Java files in their respective folders
>  |    |
>  |    |
>  |    |--struts-config.xml
>  |
>  |--build.xml
>  |
>  In the new development environment, we need CVS on a remote server, and
> Maven doing the ANT thing automatically on week-ends.
>  I have installed the Maven and run the mvn --version command successfully.
> We need Maven to compile our project and package it to WAR file and deploy
> it at a specific
>  location on the server.
>  I have been reading Maven 2.0.9 documentation and other helping material
> from last 3-4 days, but couldn't figure out how to use it practically.
>  Finally , i got your contact ids from Apache site. Could any body please
> give me any solultion or way to solve my problem or any tutorials on this ,
> it will be very greatfull to me.
>  Thanks & Regards,
>  Srinivas.

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