yes, it is stated in xsd. If I were in charge I'd made mandatory either
relativePath or group/artifact/version not mutually exclusive, but with
preference of the second option, if both are given.

Cheers, Oleg

am Monday, March 02, 2009 um 4:46 PM schrieben Sie:

> 2009/3/2 Oleg Taranenko <>

>> Jeff MAURY,
>> sorry for possible offtopic and a naive question too.
>> Maven points to the parent POM with help
>>  <parent>
>>    <groupId></groupId>
>>    <artifactId>artifact</artifactId>
>>    <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>    <relativePath>../parent-poms/pom.xml</relativePath>
>>  </parent>
>> why not allow skip groupId, artifactId and version in case
>> relativePath is given? if relative path is valid and pom.xml is what we
>> need, why I should duplicate this values in many
>> subprojects? IMHO, this would radically reduce needs to modify poms on
>> version advancing.
>> my apologize if this problem is already discussed.

> Because they are mandatory. RelativePath is optional and is just here when
> Maven conventions are not respected. I'm not sure relativePath can point to
> the pom or just to the directory when the pom is stored. Please not that if
> no pom is stored there, then Maven will try to resolve it from repositories
> so the Maven coordinates are required.

> Regards
> Jeff MAURY

>> Cheers, Oleg
>> am Monday, March 02, 2009 um 10:36 AM schrieben Sie:
>> > LATEST works only for plugins artifacts. I suggest that you use a parent
>> POM
>> > and put the required versions in the dependenciesManagement section. So
>> you
>> > have to modify a single POM instead (but you still have to modify the
>> > version for this POM in your sub-poms !)
>> > Jeff MAURY
>> > On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Laurent Perez <> wrote:
>> >> Hi
>> >>
>> >> I've got a dozen projects or so with a <dependency> on a 1.0-SNAPSHOT
>> >> artifact X ; recently, I've been using the maven release plugin for
>> >> this artifact, so that I can release incremental versions with maven
>> >> changes plugin jira changelogs, like 1.0.1, 1.0.2, and so on.
>> >>
>> >> My problem is that each time I release a new artifact X (or even
>> >> deploy a new SNAPSHOT), I have to upgrade the ~12 projects pom.xml in
>> >> order to benefit from the latest upgrade. This is very cumbersome, and
>> >> I'd like to have some automation enabled.
>> >>
>> >> I've tried setting the artifact X <version> to LATEST in my child
>> >> projects so that the newest jar is always downloaded on mvn install,
>> >> however, this does not seem to work, I'm getting the usual BUILD
>> >> ERROR, saying 1) is missing.
>> >>
>> >> - How is LATEST supposed to work, do I have to specify something in my
>> >> artifact X pom.xml to say "I'm the latest version, too" ? Is it a
>> >> repository "option" to tell which artifact is the latest one ?
>> >> - How would you deal with such an upgrade situation where many
>> >> projects rely on a single one, and this single one is evolving very
>> >> often thru incremental releases ?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks if you shed some light  
>> >> laurent
>> >>
>> >> --
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>> --
>> Mit freundlichen GrьЯen
>> Oleg Taranenko

Mit freundlichen GrьЯen
Oleg Taranenko

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