The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Doxia,
Doxia Sitetools, version 1.1 and Maven Doxia Tools, version 1.0.

Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its
users with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic
content: Doxia can be used in web-based publishing context to generate
static sites, in addition to being incorporated into dynamic content
generation systems like blogs, wikis and content management systems.

Release Notes - Maven Doxia - Version 1.1

** Bug
    * [DOXIA-51] - RtfSink supports only ".ppm" image type in figureGraphics()
    * [DOXIA-59] - Doxia creates files with inconsistent new lines
    * [DOXIA-99] - Figures require extension in APT and they should not
    * [DOXIA-127] - Twiki module cannot parse two forced links in the
same paragraph
    * [DOXIA-148] - FmlParser emits HTML specific events
    * [DOXIA-152] - Xdoc parser shouldn't insert anchors for section titles
    * [DOXIA-156] - XhtmlSink#tableCell( boolean headerRow, String
width ) uses a COLSPAN attribute instead of WIDTH attribute
    * [DOXIA-157] - Doxia Book doesn't work with xdoc source files
    * [DOXIA-160] - Book output in doc-book format is not well formed
    * [DOXIA-161] - filename with dot have a false output name
    * [DOXIA-162] - Failure to parse paragraph line with an EOL
    * [DOXIA-166] - Book output ignores book, chapter and section titles
    * [DOXIA-168] - Confluence module does not allow nested formatting
- e.g. a bullet cannot contain *bold* text or a [link]
    * [DOXIA-169] - Confluence module does not recognize line breaks (\\)
    * [DOXIA-171] - Confluence "quote" macro not recognised
    * [DOXIA-173] - Support for Confluence anchor macro
    * [DOXIA-175] - Confluence module does not recognise backslash as
escape character
    * [DOXIA-176] - Confluence parser doesn't strip leading space for
section titles
    * [DOXIA-177] - Invalid XHTML because of wrong position of table caption
    * [DOXIA-178] - Confluence: nested wiki formats (e.g. bold italic)
do not work
    * [DOXIA-180] - Confluence module should remove leading '#' from anchor link
    * [DOXIA-181] - Confluence ParagraphBlockParser does not offer
lines to other parsers
    * [DOXIA-182] - Confluence support for img macro
    * [DOXIA-183] - Remove xhtml specific events from xdoc parser
    * [DOXIA-189] - newline added after every closing tag
    * [DOXIA-190] - text like (=something=) is parsed incorrectly
    * [DOXIA-193] - forced url links where parsed as WikiWords links
    * [DOXIA-201] - <param> tags are always parsed as macro parameters
    * [DOXIA-212] - There is no way to include images using relative urls
    * [DOXIA-215] - Trailing spaces after table definition causes exception
    * [DOXIA-216] - Linkcheck broken
    * [DOXIA-221] - Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in XhtmlBaseSink
    * [DOXIA-222] - XhtmlBaseParser swallows significant whitespace
    * [DOXIA-225] - DocBookParser swallows significant whitespace
    * [DOXIA-227] - [regression] attributes stripped from img tags
    * [DOXIA-230] - Review Doxia generation for Apt and Docbook
    * [DOXIA-235] - Confluence parser doesn't strip leading spaces for
list items
    * [DOXIA-240] - NPE when building documentation
    * [DOXIA-241] - Xdoc/XhtmlBaseParser doesn't close sections properly
    * [DOXIA-242] - Echo macro outputs internal params
    * [DOXIA-246] - TOC macro: higher entries are ignored
    * [DOXIA-247] - unable to parse document when the last character is '}'
    * [DOXIA-250] - Xml parser should handle entities defined in doctype
    * [DOXIA-251] - The AbstractXmlParser should take care of EOL
    * [DOXIA-257] - APT local anchor / link doesn't work when there is
a whitespace in the anchor name
    * [DOXIA-259] - Source code snippets are not indented automatically
    * [DOXIA-261] - The Twiki noautolink is not used at all
    * [DOXIA-270] - Review doxia-converter artefact to respect ASF rules
    * [DOXIA-273] - Broken link in External Resources page
    * [DOXIA-274] - Broken link in "What is Doxia?" page
    * [DOXIA-291] - Wrong classid in SwfMacro
    * [DOXIA-292] - Be sure to call tableRows(int[], boolean) to be
backward compatible with Doxia 1.0

** Improvement
    * [DOXIA-78] - Doxia XDOC parser and XHTML renderer ignore
"rowspan" and "colspan" attributes for tables
    * [DOXIA-137] - Add comments to sink API
    * [DOXIA-142] - Allow snippet macro contents to be output as-is,
instead of verbatim
    * [DOXIA-144] - Review signature methods
    * [DOXIA-153] - HTML tags in twiki not rendered correctly
    * [DOXIA-154] - Xdoc parser should recognize <script> tag
    * [DOXIA-155] - AbstractXmlParser should recognize CDATA, entities
and comments
    * [DOXIA-163] - Add support for underscores
    * [DOXIA-164] - Add support for strikethroughs
    * [DOXIA-191] - Display images given an url
    * [DOXIA-192] - checkstyle
    * [DOXIA-194] - Generate usefull links for WikiWords
    * [DOXIA-204] - Add generic parameters support to Figure and Link events
    * [DOXIA-205] - Add new standard parameters to figure sink API
    * [DOXIA-206] - Add new standard parameters to link sink API
    * [DOXIA-208] - standardize link/anchor handling: remove usage of
    * [DOXIA-210] - Snippet macro should include whole file if no id is given
    * [DOXIA-217] - Make default internal classes
    * [DOXIA-223] - Decouple end-of-line detection in LineBreaker from OS
    * [DOXIA-237] - add a way to use standard HTML4/XHTML entities
like &alpha; &infin; &nabla; ...
    * [DOXIA-243] - Add an 'unknown' element to Sink API
    * [DOXIA-244] - Upgrade to fop 0.94
    * [DOXIA-252] - Date format in the title of an apt file is not
described in detail within the online documentation
    * [DOXIA-258] - Remove EOL in the docbook sink
    * [DOXIA-265] - Add an EntityResolver in AbstractXmlParser#getXmlReader()
    * [DOXIA-277] - Specify the language identification

** New Feature
    * [DOXIA-124] - Confluence sink Support
    * [DOXIA-135] - Handle SSI in xdoc
    * [DOXIA-145] - Adding logger feature
    * [DOXIA-195] - Guess a title for the parsed page
    * [DOXIA-196] - Support for <verbatim> block
    * [DOXIA-198] - Support for  images with links
    * [DOXIA-245] - Xdoc parser should generate anchors for id
attributes of section or subsection
    * [DOXIA-253] - Implement SinkFactory for all supported modules
    * [DOXIA-262] - Add a Twiki sink
    * [DOXIA-263] - Improve validation of input documents
    * [DOXIA-289] - Create anchor automatically from headings

** Task
    * [DOXIA-56] - clean up doxia api and code
    * [DOXIA-123] - Create an xdoc DTD or XSD for maven 2
    * [DOXIA-136] - Create an FML DTD or XSD
    * [DOXIA-138] - Review and clarify the APT guide
    * [DOXIA-140] - Review the Doxia site documentation
    * [DOXIA-159] -  Move DocumentModel from docrenderer into doxia-core
    * [DOXIA-219] - Bump to new release of plexus-utils
    * [DOXIA-220] - Fix project name for doxia-logging-api
    * [DOXIA-234] - Deprecate methods in Sink API that don't use
    * [DOXIA-236] - Clarify Sink API
    * [DOXIA-254] - Using the last version of modello-maven-plugin

** Test
    * [DOXIA-187] - Use AbstractSinkTest in DocBookBookSinkTest

** Wish
    * [DOXIA-248] - Move Parser.JUSTIFY_* over to Sink interface
    * [DOXIA-249] - Wrap publish date and project version into named <span>'s


-The Maven team

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