Have searched for hours to resolve something that initially seemed to be an
easy issue…

Question is: can I somehow get hold of the path to a jar of a dependency
specified in my pom while running  a plugin like mvn exec:exec also
specified in my pom?

In my pom.xml I have various dependencies, one of which is something like,
as usual:







which is a jar called, say, mydep.jar.

In this pom.xml I want to use the exec plugin to run a java application.

I configure the exec plugin with <classpath/>, main class, scope, other
arguments, I run it from the command line with mvn exec:exec and it is all

However, if I want to pass to exec two more arguments as java options, like


                        <argument>-javaagent: path/to/mydep.jar </argument>

then how do i do that without hardcoding the path?

Ideally, I would like to do something similar to (similarly to what you do
for project name for instance, like ${project.name}):



Is this possible to do somehow or do I have to modify the exec mojo for
getting hold of the wanted dependency?

I searched quite a bit to find this out and looks like I have to create my
mojo for it, but wanted to make sure first.



Max Calderoni

Senior Java GUI Engineer

SenSage, Inc.


Max Calderoni

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