>From [1]:

Can I provide a sync for a groupId of a third party project?

If the third party project is not willing to provide a repository to sync
from, and you are a regular user of Maven and the third party project, the
answer is yes. You can set up a repository as if the project were yours (see
instructions above). Please create a
first describing what you are trying to do and why, and you may be
designated the "unofficial" mantainer of the repository section associated
with that project, and you will be responsible of publishing the new
releases for that project in your repository if other users request it. You
can opt out at any time.

I'm about to go this route for Alfresco ECM [2] artifacts.

Hope this helps,


[1] http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html
[2] http://www.alfresco.com/

2009/3/23 Filippo De Luca <dl.fili...@filosganga.it>

> Hi maven users,
> It is possible to syncing our repository, to the central repository, also
> if
> the repository is hosted at domain different from groupId. The hosting
> domain is in any case our own.
> Thank you
> --
> Filippo De Luca
> --------------------------
> Email: dl.fili...@filosganga.it

Gabriele Columbro
Alfresco ECM Product Strategy Consultant
+31 627 565 103
Sourcesense - Making sense of open Source (http://www.sourcesense.com)

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