Move the concrete impls of your API interfaces into a seperate module. The only solution to cyclical dependencies is not to have them.


On Mar 25, 2009, at 8:21 AM, "Giovanni Azua" <> wrote:


I have the following setup:

ProjectX-API: pure abstract layer (depends on TestCommon at test scope)

ProjectX-Core: main implementations (depends on API and also on TestCommon at test scope)

ProjectX-TestCommon: offers common testing facilities to all ProjectX sub-modules, but also to clients of ProjectX and it also acts as single entry point for all test-scoped dependencies e.g. JUnit 4.x

Now the problem is that while I need TestCommon for implementing the test suites in API and Core modules, TestCommon needs to depend on API and eventually on the Core module too.


ProjectX-TestCommon defines a reusable AbstractTestSingleton to test Singleton types. ProjectX-API defines the ISingleton abstraction and also defines some concrete Singleton instances.

AbstractTestSingleton that resides in ProjectX-TestCommon needs to depend on ProjectX-API and JUnit 4.x at the same time.


- Moving AbstractTestSingleton to ProjectX-API is not possible because ProjectX-API should not depend on anything else, especially not on JUnit 4.x that AbstractTestSingleton requires (it extends TestCase)

- Having module ProjectX-TestCommon depend on ProjectX-API does not work because ProjectX-API already depends on ProjectX-TestCommon (to test the concrete Singletons and more) and Maven reports a cyclic dependency. I tried many alternatives e.g. exclusion (excluding ProjectX-API when ProjectX-API declares dependency on ProjectX- TestCommon), changing scope to provided, etc.

Any other ideas how to resolve this?

Best regards,

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