we are using maven-projects and use luntbuild for continuous integration.
So, we want to set the "Surefire report directory" while calling maven.
While reading the documentation I expected that calling maven via
mvn -DreportsDirectory=/our/report/dir test
would do the job.
But unfortunately, the argument "-DreportsDirectory=/our/report/dir" seems
to have no impact at all,
i.e. the reports are still placed inside 
I have tried a couple of things but found no solution.
Can anybody help me? How can I configure the destination directory of
What I really want is the following possibility:
Calling mvn without any special arguments, the surefire-reports should be
placed in the standard directory.
But it should be possible to set the surefire report directory by using any
argument while calling maven.
Norbert Sensen

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