Brian E. Fox wrote:

The CA may be trusted, but the site needs to expose the full signature
trail from the server cert up to the CA. Not doing this will often cause
the site to appear ok in a browser, but not to java. Most SSL signing
authorities provide a bundle that you can set on the server side.

In this case, the cert is signed by the CA directly, the full chain is just two certs long.

Trying the same config under Linux works fine, with the same certs, project and site.


-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Leggett [] Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 1:14 PM
Subject: Despite trusted CA, "unable to find valid certification path to
requested target"

Hi all,

I am having trouble getting mvn site:deploy to work with mvn v2.1.0 (also v2.0.6), as follows:

Embedded error: Failed to create destination WebDAV collection (directory): /docs/stencil/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/./apidocs
unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The machine is a MacOSX machine, and a search turns up three different copies of the cacerts database (one for v1.4.2, one for 1.5.0 and one for 1.6.0).

The CA cert for the DAV webserver is present in all three cacert databases, and to be sure I physically removed and re-added the CA cert to all three databases, with no luck.

 From the symptoms I am seeing, it looks like none of these three cacert

databases are being used at all, and the JDK is using a mystery or missing database of its own.

Can anyone confirm whether maven does any weird or special handling of cacert databases on MacOSX, or does it just revert to the JDK default on

the platform?

Is there a way to see what CA cert database is being used by maven when it runs? (It's obviously not using any of the cacert databases I've added the CA cert to, or it would work).

Anyone ever solved a problem like this before?


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