I've discovered problems with two plugins (both from Codehaus) that "become
stale" when run in a multi-module project. It seems that the plugins were
not built with multi-module in mind.

When I run the jasperreports and xdoclet plugins for the second time, they
seem to retain some settings (or state, or whatever you want to call it)
from their previous execution. For example:

   - jasperreports-maven-plugin uses the original classpath (the first one
   specified) for each execution
   - xdoclet-maven-plugin generates its output in the same directory each
   execution, no matter what output directory is configured in the POMs

Let's say I have projects A and B, with A executing first. When the plugins
are run on B, they uses A's classpath and A's output directory.

Is there some what to have them "forget" that they ever executed in the
first place? The only solution I've come up with is to use the exec plugin
to run them in another Maven instance... and boy, does that feel like a

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