The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Source Plugin, version 2.1

This plugin is used to create jar of the project source files.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Source Plugin - Version 2.1

** Bug
* [MSOURCES-28] - No test for up todate/no ablity to exclude from resulting jar * [MSOURCES-31] - forking lifecycle of source:jar goal results in release-plugin error * [MSOURCES-36] - Source jar manifest should contain Specification and Implementation details * [MSOURCES-37] - CLONE -maven-source-plugin causes generate-sources phase to execute twice
    * [MSOURCES-40] - Add throws MojoExecutionException on getSources() mehtod

** Improvement
    * [MSOURCES-13] - No-Forking mojos for use within a POM instead of CLI
    * [MSOURCES-34] - Allow the artifact type to be changed
    * [MSOURCES-39] - Add an includePom option to the sources:jar goal

** New Feature
    * [MSOURCES-41] - Generate source jars supporting Eclipse Source Bundle 

** Wish
    * [MSOURCES-33] - provide <includes>  <excludes> configuration
    * [MSOURCES-42] - Please add support for MavenArchiveConfiguration


-The Maven team

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