maven embedded

2009/4/23 Todor Boev <>

> Hi,
> I am working on a requirement to resolve and download the transitive
> closure of a set of maven artifacts. The plan is to use a pom.xml with
> "<packaging>pom</packaging>". That pom will contain the set of artifacts as
> dependencies together with some repository definitions from where the
> artifacts can be downloaded. Than I need to pass this pom into my software
> and do the maven magic. I can't use maven itself - what I need are the
> pieces of maven that  parse poms, resolve artifact dependencies and download
> from repositories.
> I discovered that the maven ant tasks do exactly this job. They ant tasks
> jar contains the relevant pieces of Maven plus relatively little Ant code to
> set it all up and give it a pom.xml. Perfect! Except I don't need ant either
> - I need to do the whole process programatically with no other files
> involved than the initial pom.xml. I need to pass the Proxy configuration to
> the maven wagon directly for example. So I set out to extract just the
> "dependencies" ant task and than I plan to strip all Ant code to obtain the
> "pure" importer logic.
> But before I do all that I am asking you good people if there is an easier
> way -   - has someone done this before?
> - is there a single Jar out there that contains the relevant pieces of
> Maven in pure form that is intended for programmatic use?
> Cheers,
> Todor
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