Hi all!

We recently upgrade the maven-source-plugin from version 2.0.4 to 2.1 for a 
multimodule project (consisting of modules of packaging type jar, war, ejb 
and ear). No problems so far when doing a "normal build" like mvn install.

However, when we do a "mvn release:perform" the EAR module fails with this 

[INFO] [source:jar]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error creating source archive: You must set at least one file.

This is because the EAR module doesn't contain any sources. We wouldn't need 
the -sources.jar anyway. Older versions of the maven-source-plugin created 
an empty archive with an auto-generated MANIFEST.MF file in it, but the 2.1 
version fails as already reported in MSOURCES-44 [0].

The question I now have is, why is source:jar mojo executed at all? According
to the lifecycle reference [1] this mojo shouldn't be executed (for packaging
EAR). How can I deactivate this mojo?

thanks in advance,
- martin

[0] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSOURCES-44

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