This is really a symptom of the nearest-wins mentality of Maven 2,
since scopes specified in the current POM take precedence over their
transitive values, and not widened as expected.  AFAIK Mercury will
replace nearest-wins version conflict resolution with a more usable
highest-wins, so I was hoping that it'd also take a similar approach
with scope conflicts and always widen them, irrespective of where they
are defined.  Perhaps Oleg could clarify?



2009/5/7 Brian Fox <>:
> I think this will help you understand it better:
> Think of inheritance as including the contents of the parents inside your
> own pom. (obviously merging occurs). I used to be a C programmer so I refer
> to this as #include-ing the contents.
> Therefore the result of inheritance is that it updates your local pom.
> Things declared in your local pom always superceede transitive, thus the
> behavior seems to be correct.
> So to restate the problem, you are using in one module a jar LIB that you
> only need in your tests, but transitively you depend on something which
> needs LIB at runtime and thus it should be packed into your war? If so, just
> flip your dependency to a compile scope since this is also included in test
> classpaths. This is generally an unusual scenario, I don't think it's solved
> yet with Mercury.
> My suggestion is to provide a sample project as an IT and write up an issue
> for this.
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Stevo Slavić <> wrote:
>> Hello Maven users,
>> If a parent module (e.g. P) of a multi module project defines a test scope
>> dependency to some library (e.g. library "LIB"), and if one of projects's
>> child modules which inherit P (e.g. jar module A) defines compile scope
>> dependency to the same (LIB) library, and if some other child module which
>> also inherits P (e.g. war module B) defines compile scope dependency on
>> module A, then (at least when using maven 2.1.0) library LIB does not get
>> included in war of module B. It seems that scope (in this example test
>> scope) of inherited dependency wins over scope (in this example compile
>> scope) of transitive dependency.
>> This looks like a bug to me (maybe just in maven-war-plugin:2.1-beta-1, or
>> maven-dependency-plugin:2.1) - even though module B (through inheritance)
>> defines LIB as test scope dependency but on the other hand it's dependency
>> defines same LIB as compile scope dependency so LIB should be included in
>> module B war. Currently a workaround is to explicitly define compile time
>> dependency to LIB in module B, even though it doesn't make direct use of the
>> LIB. As subject states, maybe I've misunderstood the dependency resolution
>> mechanism.
>> Attached is example project which demonstrates the issue.
>> Regards,
>> Stevo.
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