
I'm working on a private/solo project and I've set up a project with maven on eclipse using the m2 plugin. A parent project and 2 maven subprojects (modules?). 1 module is a spring project, the other a web project wicket. In the spring project I want to use profiles to dispatch the database configuration per environment (dev, tst, uat, prd) In all of the environments I need an file which i call application.properties and which is fed to a PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer like: <bean id="propertyConfigurer" class = "org .springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="location" value="classpath:application.properties" />
apart from that I also want to unittest both projects (but starting with the spring project) so I also have testResources element in my pom, also containing the application.properties. The unittest are working fine, and I can successfully add the web project to a tomcat configuration in eclipse. However when I try to startup tomcat it fails telling me:

Error creating zip file mypoll-domain.jar: duplicate entry: application.properties
duplicate entry: application.properties

I suspect it has to do with the testResources, commenting it out in the pom doesnt solve the problem however explicitly renaming the application.properties in the src/test/resource directory solves the problem (and brings me to the next file in line (hibernate.cfg.xml)

Is there a way to solve this and prevent the test/resource's contents to appear on the tomcat project? Or is there something I'm completely overlooking and should I use other approaches?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

PS I did check on google but I could not find any useful information.
PPS versions:
eclipse ganymede.
java 1.5 (mac os x).
maven version 2.0.9 (on the command line, and I hope eclipse is using the same version..?)

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